Our Popular Services!

You can search for single ticket prices from Nerja bus station with the main companies operating in Nerja. Or hire a private bus for your trip, excursion or event. Travel from Nerja to all destinations. Book your taxis, transfers and bus from Nerja at the best price. You can also book a bus to Malaga or a direct taxi to the airport.

Airport Shuttle

Malaga Airport Shuttle Bus. Bus from Nerja to Malaga, taxis and uber from Nerja to the Airport. Direct booking.

Family Tour

Taxi / Bus for excursions and private trips. From Nerja to the Alhambra, Ronda, Gibraltar, Marbella, Malaga, Competa…

Bus timetables

Direct booking. Book a bus from Nerja to Malaga or Malaga Nerja. Bus timetables.

All destinations and schedules. Travel from Nerja!

Travel with Us! Book a bus and travel with peace of mind. Compare prices for taxi services, Uber, Bolt.

Choose Your Destinations

Malaga, Granada, Malaga Airport, Gibraltar, Ronda, Marbella, Almeria, Caminito del Rey, Madrid, Cordoba, Huelva, Jaen, Seville, Lisbon and Morocco.

Málaga Airport

Malaga center / 4 Guests / 4 Cabins / Private Taxi

€ 85 eur

Malaga center

Malaga center / 2 Guests / 2 Cabins / Bus Alsa

€ 12 eur

Alhambra de Granada

Granada / 4 Guests / 4 Cabins / Private Taxi

€ 130 eur

Bus Malaga

Malaga / 12 Guests / 6 Cabins / 4 Crew

€ 160 eur


Marbella / 12 Guests / 6 Cabins / 4 Crew

€ 230 eur

Bus ronda

Ronda / 12 Guests / 6 Cabins / 4 Crew

€ 290 eur

Where Do You Want To Travel?



News & Article


  • Bus Nerja La Herradura

    Información General sobre el Bus Nerja – La Herradura Horarios de Vuelta Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ) Nota: Te sugiero que verifiques…

  • Bus Nerja Almuñecar

    Para viajar en autobús desde Nerja a Almuñécar, aquí tienes la información que necesitas: 1. Donde se compra el billete…

  • Phone number

    ALSA telephone in Nerja. Information, routes, schedules, reservations and tickets